Privacy Policy

Information Gathering and Utilization

To refine our services and create a personalized experience, we collect a range of data, including your name, contact information, job details, and other personal identifiers you provide. We also monitor your interactions with our services, such as visited pages, searches, and actions taken. This information, combined with data from third parties, helps us improve our services, offer relevant content, and understand user needs better. We may aggregate or de-identify this information so it cannot be linked to you or your device. The de-identified or aggregated data might be used for research, marketing, and operational purposes and may be shared with third parties like advertisers, partners, and sponsors.

Information We Gather

Personal Information

In compliance with the relevant laws of your country when accessing our website and using our services, we may collect, use, retain, and transfer various forms of Personal Information about you. The following table details the categories of Personal Information we may collect, use, store, transfer, or process in other ways.

Identity Information First name, maiden name, last name, resume/CV, Social Media profile, username or similar identifier, profile photo
Contact Information Physical address, email address, social media address, telephone number, and any other contact information you provide to us
Technical Information Device IDs, login data, access dates and times, browser type and version, device information, cookie data, time zone setting and location, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system, platform, and other technologies on the devices you use to access the Website
Profile Information Your username and password, orders made by you, preferences, user-generated content, job searches, candidate searches, job applications, feedback, and survey responses

Data Usage and Contractual Obligations

Aggregated Data Collection

We collect, utilize, and share "Aggregated Data," including statistical or demographic data, for any purpose. Aggregated Data may originate from your Personal Information but is not classified as Personal Information since it does not reveal your identity directly or indirectly. For example, we might use your Usage Information in aggregate form to calculate the percentage of users who access a specific website feature.

Provision of Personal Information

If we are legally required to gather Personal Information or need it to fulfill a contract with you (or while forming one), and you fail to provide this information when requested, we may be unable to honor or proceed with the contract (e.g., to offer our services). In such cases, we might need to cancel the service you have with us (or requested from us), and you agree to this condition.

Gathering Personal Data

  • Automatic Data Collection: We may automatically collect Personal and Non-Personal Data, including Technical and Usage Data about your device, browsing habits, and patterns, as you navigate our website. This data is obtained through cookies, server logs, and similar technologies. If you visit other websites that use our cookies and Tracking Technologies, we may also gather Technical and Usage Data about you. For more information on our use of Tracking Technologies, see the "Cookie Policy" section.
  • Third-Party Data Sources: We may gather Personal Data, particularly Technical and Usage Data, from third-party sources such as analytics providers or advertising networks. If you are a client, we might collect additional Business Information from third-party sources to supplement the Business Information you provided. We may also collect Business Information and Contact Data about non-users from third-party sources.
  • Client-Specific Services: When our clients engage us to provide services on their behalf, we handle Personal Data according to their instructions and do not maintain a direct relationship with the individuals whose data we process. If we manage your Personal Data as a service provider and you wish to access, correct, amend, or delete your data, or have other requests, we will provide you with the client’s contact information for direct communication. In exceptional cases, we may assist you with your query.

Utilization of Your Personal Information

  1. Service Delivery We process your personal information to deliver the Services you request. This data may be shared with third-party service providers or partners as necessary to ensure service provision. Without processing this information, we cannot deliver the Services effectively.
  2. Support and Assistance Your personal information is processed when you reach out to us with questions, concerns, or feedback. This allows us to respond to your inquiries and resolve any issues you may encounter. Without this information, our ability to support you would be compromised.
  3. Monitoring and Compliance We use your personal information to monitor for prohibited or illegal activities, enforce agreements, and manage fees related to our Services. This processing is essential to maintain the security and compliance of our Services.
  4. Security Measures To protect your safety and enhance your experience, we use your personal information to address spam, malware, and other security risks. We also improve our security practices and verify user identities. Without this data, we cannot ensure the security of our Services.
  5. Customization and Personalization Our Services include third-party plugins and customization options. We use cookies and similar tracking technologies to personalize your experience, as detailed in our Cookie Policy. Without processing your personal information, you might not fully access or personalize our Services.

If we use your personal information in ways not outlined in this Privacy Policy in the future, we will inform you. You can then choose to limit our use of your data, though this may impact your access to certain Services.

Information Sharing: Business and Operational Purposes

Your information may be shared with a range of parties for business and operational reasons. This includes prospective employers, third-party service providers, affiliates, legal entities, and other relevant third parties. It is the responsibility of any potential employer, or third party receiving your information to handle and protect it in line with their privacy policies. We may also disclose your information for legal purposes, to protect our rights or user safety, or in the case of business transitions like mergers or acquisitions.

Access and Control Over Your Personal Information

Depending on where you reside, you may have various rights concerning your personal data. These rights could encompass accessing your information, making corrections or updates to any incorrect or outdated details, requesting the deletion of your data, and opting out of uses of your information. Note that these rights might be subject to limitations and exceptions as dictated by local regulations. To exercise these rights, please contact us at

Third-Party Website Links

Our services may include links to other websites or services. These third-party sites have their own privacy policies, which govern their practices. While we strive to link only to websites that uphold similar privacy standards, we are not responsible for their content, security measures, or privacy policies. Please review the privacy policies of any third-party site you visit.

Data Protection and Retention Policy

Our security program is designed to protect your data from unauthorized access, damage, or modification through a mix of technical, administrative, and physical measures. Although we aim to ensure the security of your information, absolute security cannot be guaranteed. We retain your information only as long as required to provide our services, meet legal obligations, resolve any disputes, and enforce our agreements. Cached or archived versions of your data may also be kept for a specified duration.

Modifications to Privacy Policy

We may update our Privacy Policy occasionally to reflect alterations in our procedures, technological developments, legal requirements, and other factors. Updated versions of the Privacy Policy will be posted on our services. We advise you to review the Privacy Policy regularly to remain informed about our data handling practices and your privacy options.